Tag Archives: Queens

Worthwhile Splurges: Hot Pot at Shanghai Tide

8 Nov

This foray into Asian-themed gluttony marks the beginning of a new section of the blog titled “Worthwhile Splurges.” If it wasn’t really obvious to begin with, in these posts I’ll be writing about meals I choose to seek out that break the $10 mark. First up is hot pot. Check out the all you can eat madness after the jump!

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Sichuan Food At Chengdu Heaven

26 Oct

Part of the basement food court at Golden Mall. Claustrophobic yet? (Photo via bradleyhawk.com)

One of the first serious food trips I did when I was a freshman was trekking out to Flushing. I think I went by myself, and I had various different treats from Flushing Mall off of College Point Blvd., though I’ve since returned to try everything from a ginormous kimchi bun to steamed intestines. Clearly my taste in Asian food isn’t very discriminating and, fortunately, the fact that seemingly every cuisine is represented in the area around the Main St. stop on the 7 train makes me a happy camper.

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Chicken & Rice (Plus Falafel) From King of Falafel

5 Oct

The King of Falafel himself. (Photo: Serious Eats NY)

Halal food and I have had a tumultuous relationship. I didn’t know of its awesomeness until I came to the city, and my first experience with it was from one of the street carts on 14th Street, right off of Union Square. The cart was probably in violation of ten zillion health department codes, but my innocent and borderline retarded self couldn’t have cared less. I tore through that chicken over rice plate (white sauce, no hot) like it was my job. Needless to say, I got food poisoning. Dark times, folks. Dark times.

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